Ref. No. : CA - 2370 - (Less than 1 year Exp. – with 19.4 years in Plastic Industry)


Institute : Amrita Institute of Technology
University : Anna University
Duration : 2001-2005
Percentage : 72

Software exposure:
Design Software : AUTOCAD, PrO-E, MDT.
Analysis Software
or FEA : MOLD FLOW 3.1, Structural Analysis in ANSYS
Operating Systems : WINDOWS XP, 98

Work Experience

Field of Interest:
Polymer Materials, Polymer Testing, Plastic Product Design, Plastic Processing, Blends& Composites.
Elective: Paints and Surface Coatings

Project: Study on Improving the life time of a spindle brake in Textile machine.
This includes selecting different material with different required properties, mainly wear resistance and testing it for its life after trial production of each material. Also includes modeling a defective component using Pro-e 2001 software and analyzing it for reducing its stress concentration using ANSYS software, the design is optimized to reduce the cracking. With different iterations trial analysis is done & the optimized design & material are adopted for final production. Done at Lakshmi Electrical and Control Systems, Coimbatore.

In plant Training:
Underwent Industrial Training at Lakshmi Electrical and Control Systems, Coimbatore.

Industrial Visits:
V-Guard, Coimbatore
English Tools, Pollachi
Reva Industries, Bangalore
Bangalore Plastics, Bangalore
NTTF, Bangalore
CIPET, Chennai
Sumi Mothersons, Chennai

Active member of IPI (Indian Plastics Institute- Coimbatore chapter)
Active member of The Association Of Polymer Engineers –Plasamrita

Ø Attended AICTE- ISTE sponsored Training Program in Application of Melt
Rheology in Polymer Processing, organized by Amrita Institute of Technology.
Ø Attended an International Conference on Engineering Polymers: Application and
Technology, organized by Amrita Institute of Technology.
Ø Attended a National Level Technical Symposium, Polyvista, organized by Amrita
Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
Ø Attended a National conference on Design and Manufacture of Injection moulds
organized by Amrita Institute of Technology.

Future Goals

To become a part of a reputed organization, exploit my skills to work dedicatedly and sincerely in a challenging and creative environment.

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