Ref. No. : CA - 2478 - (Less than 1 year Exp. – with 19 years in Plastic Industry)


Pursuing M.B.A from Osmania University

P.G. Diploma in Plastics Processing and Testing from Central Institute of Plastics Engineering And Technology.

B.Sc Industrial Chemistry from Osmania University.

Higher Diploma in Software Engineering from Aptech ltd.


Ms-Dos 6.0,Windows 95 and Windows 3.1, Oracle 8.0/Foxpro 2.6/Ms-Access 97, SQL Plus, PL/SQL and Forms 5.0

Microsoft Office 2000, System Analysis and designing (SAD) and GroupWare concepts with Lotus Notes.

Work Experience


1)Title: A study on market potential of plastics industries through exhibitions.

The study was done by survey at Plastindia2006 exhibition from 8th to 14th February, at Pragati Maidan New Delhi, and Taiwan product catalouge exhibition2006 on 24th & 25th February, at federation house redhills Hyderabad.

2)A case study on the Plastics plates and glasses by Thermoforming.

3)In plant training at Blue Stars Engineers, Waluj Aurangabad, Injection Moulding and Quality Production.

Future Goals

To seek a challenging and prospective career with a comprehensive, methodical and participation in the ever-changing global technologies which will enhance my skills for the performance in industry.

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