Ref. No. : CA - 19588 - (HRD – with 14.6 years in Plastic Industry)


MLS From Nagpur University in 2003

B.Sc From from Nagpur University in 2000 

Skill Sets

MSCIT,  MS-Office,  Excel    

Work Experience

HR cum Admin Executive
Since Jan 2015
Company Profile: Manufactures a full range of house hold articles by adapting latest technologies.
Job Profile:
Handling ethical Audits of HR, 
Handling an Internal audit related to HR,
Maintaining all compliances related to audits.
Arranging the training and taking the training related to House keeping training, Personnel Hygiene training Fire fighting and Fire Hydrant, Mock drill,
Handling committees meetings every 3 months 
works committee, sexual harassment, Environment Health and Safety committee, Pest control.
Labour welfare facilities, providing an apron, caps, safety shoes, earplug, etc.
Handling training  for new joinees (Workmen)
First aid and safety measures.
Maintaining Hygiene at toilet areas.
Daily basis grievances solving.
Dispatching and supervising the salary to contract workers
Supervising cleaning and housekeeping.
All safety equipment checking daily basis.
Supervising canteens, crèche, adequate latrines facilities, drinking water.
Maintain notice board  

Executive – HR &Admin       
May 2011 to Dec 2014 
Company Name: Trimurti Polymers Ltd
Company Profile: Manufacturer of Plastic hangers /accessories.
Job Profile:
Timekeeping monitoring/Management.
Accident registers.
Maintaining leave record, attendance register, advance register, fine register, damages register as per the govt. rules.
to solve workers grievances.
Audit & Compliance
Work for Security Management, House Keeping Management.
AMC like Fire Extinguishers, Air Conditioner, Computers, etc.
Form no 12, Form no 13 Reports of Examination or test of Pressure Vassal or   plant.
Manpower Report, Salary and Wages administration, etc 
Providing first aid boxes, regular medical checkup of workers, arranging different training Aids awareness program, training on PPE.
Fire Drill Training record, Internal fire extinguisher conduction,
Recruitment through various sources. Preparation of leave book
Labour welfare facilities i.e. (Canteen / Washing Rest room etc.)
Maintain I-Card register/,Punching 
Look after  the safety of workers , providing safety tools and welfare facility

Personnel Officer
May 2009 to Nov 2010
Company Name: Bhilosa Industries Pvt Ltd
Company Profile: Manufacturers of finest draw textured yarn in the country. In a decade of exponential growth Bhilosa has become one of the most diversified, well-admired and robust organization.  
Job Profile:
Manpower Report.
Maintain I-Card register/,Punching 
House Keeping Management.
Timekeeping monitoring, Salary and Wages administration, 
To solve  daily basis workers grievances
Bill Processing / Checking  of Contractor & Related to Hr dept  
Recruitment through various sources, 
Issuing warning letters, appointment letter, Payment Slip, increment letter etc,
 form ER1, ER2
Handling  Pf Challan /Remittance & Annual Return i.e. 3A/6A
Report to:HOD –HR & Admin.

Future Goals

Intend to build a career with leading corporate of hi-tech environment with committed & dedicated people, which will help me explore myself fully and realize my potential .Willing to work as a key player in challenging & creative environment and set example for others .Seeking a position to utilize my skills and abilities in a dynamic organization, which will help me to apply my skills for future challenges

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