Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City
MBA, May 2005
ITEZ, Morelos
Industrial Engineering in Chemistry
Courses and Seminars
Finances for non-Financial Majors
September 2005
Professional oriented in results, with more than 15 years of experience as Operation Director and General Manager of international companies in food and plastics.
Proved ability for selection, development and promotion of personal
Experience in planning, control and operations.
Managing, development, and following budget, and strategy plans of the company
Company financial managing
Director of Maintenance Area
Since January 2008
Company specialized in Outsourcing Services, intensive labor areas like Security, Maintenance, and Temporary Jobs.
Responsibilities :
Sales increase for the year 2008
Savings plans
Implementation of DATA-stream Software
Responsible for 220 employees
45% sales increase in six months
6% increase in contribution margin
5% savings in budget control
Data-stream Software implementation
General Manager
February 2003 – September 2007
Berry Plastics de México S de Rl de CV. Berry plastics corporation , USA , Toluca Edo. De México
Company Description
Producer, Distributor, and Commercialization of plastic parts for the Food Industry and Employee care in Mexico, and exports.
The entire company's operation in Mexico, from the operation and results point of view, following with the principal objectives of the company which are costumer satisfaction, in quality, time, and price.
Ahead of all the chain process of productive supply for the product's delivery
Responsible for 170 in the operation field in Mexico
Savings Plans
No more than 5% budget
Company's final results in HQ
Costumers service level 98% in time, quality, and quantity.
Operative indicators beyond the company's standards.
JDE implementation in Mexico
NFDA factory certification for food products.
ISO 9000 system certification
200,000 USD. Yearly savings plan
5% EBITDA according to Budget
Director of Operations
From March 1997 - February 2003.
Chupa Chups Industrial Mexicana Sa de Cv, Chupa Chups, Spanish, Toluca, Mexico.
Company Description:
Produce, Distributor, and Commercialization of food products for Mexican and USA market.
Director of plant from production, quality, new developments, logistics, and Strategy Planning.
Human resources and materials to achieve a service level with a minimum of 95%
Quality control in Mexico
Operative indicators Control
Yearly savings plans
Service level 95%
Operative indicators two of CHCH group in the world.
SAP implementation in Mexico
NFDA certification for Food products
ISO 9000 Certification
100,000 USD. yearly savings
Optimization of SKU's within the company
Industrias Unidas SA de CV, IUSA, Mexicana Mexican, Toluca Edo. de Mexico,
Production Manager February 1993 - September 1996
Company's Description
Production and Transformation of electrical conductors of copper, Magnet wire for the Construction Industry, for the Mexican Market as well as exports basically to the USA.
Planning and control of the production in the factory
Accomplishment of the production program with a minimum of 95%
Control and reduction of production errors.
Indicator Controls of operations
Yearly Savings Plans
Operative indicators increase of 75% to 95%
Production errors reduction of 3.5% to 25%
Record of production 2,500 T of Copper
Rotational inventory implementation
Savings of 100,000 USD yearly
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