Ref. No. : CA - 5010 - (Costing – with 24.7 years in Plastic Industry)


Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Arulmigu Palaniandavar Polytechnic, Palani in the year of April 2000.

Computer Knowledge
AutoCAD 2000, Microsoft Windows XP version ( Microsoft Office )

Skill Sets

Production, Planning & Project

Work Experience

Senior Engineer
July 2000 to till date.
Company Profile : An ISO 9001 : 2000 certified company and a Turn key Automation system having 5 sister concerns. Specialist in Design, Manufacturing & supply of different types of SPPM machines, All type of industrial use conveyors, Nuclear Reactor Components, Heavy Engineering Components, specialist in Nuclear Reactor Coolant channel Refurbishing work & Site Engineering Services.
Job Profile
Project Planning, Manpower planning , Cost Estimation, Project Budget preparation, Execution, Assembly, Erection & Commissioning of SPPM machines, All type of conveyors, All type of Piping work, Hydraulic & Pneumatic line installation & Fabricated structure in customer place with following ISO standards. Also having knowledge in ERP operation.
Project Plan :
Attending Initial meeting along with Project Team.
Reviewing relevant documents to get full knowledge about Project.
Getting information from all depts. with duration to prepare a Project Schedule.
Forming Execution Team with appropriate Manpower.
Co ordinate with QA dept to prepare a QAP & getting approval from Customer.
Monitoring Schedule for on time delivery.
Arranging Project Team meeting to discuss the issues & to achieve the schedule.
Attending Customer visits & Inspection and getting clearance on stage wise assy.
Follow up with Vendor & Purchase dept to get Manufactured & Bought out parts for Assy.
Assembly :
Receiving Layout, assembly & part drawing from design dept through PPC.
Layout marking in work shop.
Receiving Equipment parts from Vendor, In house & Purchase on time.
Co ordinate with Internal QA dept for Components & Assy inspection.
Assembly of the equipment as per design specification & Trial run at shop.
Arranging Customer Inspection before despatch from shop.
Dismantling of the equipment and despatch to customer place.
Erection & Commissioning :
Site Study & Budget preparation before start up of E&C.
Preparing E & C Schedule.
Hiring of Local Manpower & other requirements to run the site.
New layout marking in customer place as per site requirement.
Attending Meeting with Customer officials to monitor the E&C schedule.
Assembly of the Equipment as per drawing.
Connection of Utility lines like Air, Water, Gas etc.
Trial runs of the Equipment & Process setting until trail production.
Minutes of Meeting with customer.
Receiving E & C satisfaction certificate from customer after completion of the project.
Sending Daily Progress Report to Head office.
Maximum utilisation of Man hours to reduce the E&C duration & cost.
Attending Breakdown Maintenance and AMC calls.
Maintaining documents as per ISO 9001 : 2000 standard.
Co-operating with all team members & customer to achieve the schedule.
Handover the machine to customer with full documentation.
Train the customer technicians to work in supplied machine.

Projects Handled :
M/s. Hotline CPT Gwalior
Worked as a Deputy Team Leader for Dismantling of 17 CDT plant at Malaysia ( M/s. Hitachi Display Devices Ltd.) and E & C in Gwalior, India. As per customer requirement this plant has been converted from 17 CDT to 21 CPT and commissioned successfully.
Worked as a Deputy Team Leader for Dismantling of 17 CDT plant at Singapore ( M/s. Hitachi Display Devices Ltd.) and E & C in Gwalior, India. This plant has been commissioned successfully.
M/s. Hotline CPT Gwalior ( 8 months )
Worked as a Team Leader ( Back End Process ) for Dismantling of 19 CDT plant at Singapore ( M/s. Hitachi Display Devices Ltd.) and E & C in Gwalior, India.
The above mentioned CPT & CDT plant system involves Specially designed Coating Robots, Auto Transfer Pick & Place, Automatic Indexers ( various types of Heads ), Hydraulic Press Machines, Synchronization of all Machines for complete Automation, Automatic Inspection camera units, Heavy voltage Aging equ

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